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Women and US Politics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3825379035 9783825379032 Year: 2020 Publisher: Heidelberg Universitätsverlag Winter

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Peace on our terms : the global battle for women's rights after the First World War
ISBN: 0231551185 Year: 2020 Publisher: New York : Columbia University Press,

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"In the watershed year of 1919, world leaders met in Paris, promising to build a new international order rooted in democracy and social justice. Female activists demanded that statesmen live up to their word. Excluded from the negotiating table, women met separately, crafted their own agendas, and captured global headlines with a message that was both straightforward and revolutionary: enduring peace depended as much on recognition of the fundamental humanity and equality of all people—regardless of sex, race, class, or creed—as on respect for the sovereignty of independent states. Peace on Our Terms follows dozens of remarkable women from Europe, the Middle East, North America, and Asia as they crossed oceans and continents; commanded meeting halls in Paris, Zurich, and Washington; and marched in the streets of Cairo and Beijing. Mona L. Siegel’s sweeping global account of international organizing highlights how Egyptian and Chinese nationalists, Western and Japanese labor feminists, white Western suffragists, and African American civil rights advocates worked in tandem to advance women’s rights. Despite significant resistance, these pathbreaking women left their mark on emerging democratic constitutions and new institutions of global governance. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Peace on Our Terms is the first book to demonstrate the centrality of women’s activism to the Paris Peace Conference and the critical diplomatic events of 1919. Siegel tells the timely story of how female activists transformed women’s rights into a global rallying cry, laying a foundation for generations to come."--Provided by vendor.


Women --- Political activity --- History

Estrategias de organización político-gremial de secundarios/as : prácticas políticas y ciudadanía en la escuela.
ISBN: 9871751656 Year: 2020 Publisher: Córdoba : Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.,

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Durante los últimos veinte años transitamos procesos de investigación e intervención social en los cuales la realidad juvenil y las escuelas públicas de Córdoba nos han convocado, particularmente a reflexionar en orden a problemas, conflictivas y experiencias de participación que plantean convergencias y divergencias respecto de los cruces entre la realidad de los/as jóvenes cordobeses y la vida que transcurre en los espacios educativos. El estudio y la mirada de la condición ciudadana de los/as jóvenes y de sus instancias de participación, especialmente de participación política, nos ha interrogado en diferentes direcciones y momentos, por lo cual buscamos profundizar en aquellos procesos que se instalan en la escuela y que plantean un potencial de acción y entrenamiento respecto de la dimensión política de la ciudadanía de los/as jóvenes estudiantes secundarios. La presente investigación es tributaria de esta trayectoria en la cual los estudios vinculados a la ciudadanía y la juventud han sido constitutivos de la tarea cotidiana que llevamos adelante desde el ejercicio profesional del Trabajo Social y desde las diversas funciones universitarias de docencia, investigación y extensión. Los trabajos en torno a la Vigencia de los valores de ciudadanía en la juventud y la sociedad cordobesa (1998-1999) dirigidos por la profesora Aquín, nos ubicaron ante una realidad juvenil que jugándose en diversos ámbitos, nos interrogaba acerca de los sustentos valorativos de las prácticas y las representaciones de los jóvenes respecto de la ciudadanía en el contexto cordobés. En ese marco, y en esa época, ya nos preocupaba el papel de la escuela en los procesos de construcción ciudadana, de valores y los contenidos de significación de las prácticas de participación.

Making young voters : converting civic attitudes into civic action
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1108770444 1108808425 1108800483 1108488420 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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In 2016, 90% of young Americans reported an interest in politics. 80% intended to vote. Yet only 43% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 ended up actually casting a ballot. Making Young Voters investigates what lies at the core of this gap. The authors' in-depth, interdisciplinary approach reveals that political apathy is not the reason for low levels of youth turnout. Rather, young people too often fail to follow through on their political interests and intentions. Those with 'noncognitive' skills related to self-regulation are more likely to overcome internal and external barriers to participation. This book combines theory from psychology, economics, child development, and more to explore possible solutions rooted in civic education and electoral reform. This potentially paradigm-shifting contribution to the literature of American politics serves to influence not only our understanding of voter turnout, but also the fundamental connections between the education system, electoral institutions, and individual civic behavior in a democracy. How young people vote affects not only each individual future, but that of the United States, and of us all.

Why don't women rule the world? : understanding women's civic and political choices
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1544377967 1544317263 1544317271 1544317255 Year: 2020 Publisher: Washington D.C. : CQ Press,

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KEY FEATURES: A comparative perspective expands students' awareness of their own intersectional identities and the varying effects of patriarchy on women worldwide. A variety of policy areas highlighted throughout the book illustrates how different theories are applied to real-world situations. Multiple political engagement activities keep students engaged with the content.

A research agenda for corporations.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 178897753X Year: 2020 Publisher: Cheltenham, United Kingdom ; Northampton, Massachusetts : Edward Elgar Publishing,

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"Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary. This exciting Research Agenda offers a multi-disciplinary and historically informed programme for the further investigation of the global political economy of the corporate sector. It tackles the question, can and should the corporation be reformed? Christopher May develops a range of intersecting areas for research while also offering an account of the possibilities for the reform of the global corporation. Based on an understanding of the history of corporations, the author provides key insights into their management and political agency as well as the operation of the global corporate supply chain. Drawing links between a range of disciplines and perspectives on business enterprises, May calls for a more nuanced understanding of the global corporate sector in order to better comprehend the contours of the contemporary global capitalist system. This Research Agenda will be a valuable resource for students and academics of politics, economics, sociology and law, who are curious to explore the corporation in relation to their area of study"--

Artistes femmes : les formes de l'engagement
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2353111076 9782353111077 Year: 2020 Publisher: Pau : PUPPA, Presses universitaires de Pau et des pays de l'Adour,

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To make the wounded whole
ISBN: 9798890853417 1469659514 1469659522 9781469659527 9781469659510 9781469659503 1469659506 9781469661339 1469661330 Year: 2020 Publisher: Chapel Hill

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In the decades since it was identified in 1981, HIV/AIDS has devastated African American communities. Members of those communities mobilized to fight the epidemic and its consequences from the beginning of the AIDS activist movement. They struggled not only to overcome the stigma and denial surrounding a "white gay disease" in Black America, but also to bring resources to struggling communities that were often dismissed as too "hard to reach." To Make the Wounded Whole offers the first history of African American AIDS activism in all of its depth and breadth. Dan Royles introduces a diverse constellation of activists, including medical professionals, Black gay intellectuals, church pastors, Nation of Islam leaders, recovering drug users, and Black feminists who pursued a wide array of grassroots approaches to slow the epidemic's spread and address its impacts. Through interlinked stories from Philadelphia and Atlanta to South Africa and back again, Royles documents the diverse, creative, and global work of African American activists in the decades-long battle against HIV/AIDS.

Histoire féminine de la France : de la Révolution à la loi Veil (1789-1975)
ISBN: 9782410011258 241001125X Year: 2020 Publisher: Paris Belin

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La 4ème de couv. indique : "« Il suffit d'écouter les femmes. » Voilà ce que disait Simone Veil dans sa vibrante plaidoirie en faveur de la légalisation de l'avortement. Sur elles, on a tant disserté que leurs mots se sont envolés. Yannick Ripa rend la parole au peuple-femme. Depuis leur irruption spectaculaire sur la scène révolutionnaire un certain 5 octobre 1789, les actions, mais aussi les murmures des oubliées, leurs confidences, leurs désirs et leurs désillusions, leurs cris de joie, de douleur ou de révolte dessinent une histoire féminine de la France. Ce pan du passé, elles l'ont construit avec leurs propres mots, leurs propres outils, de là où elles étaient, de là où on leur avait permis d'être, de là où elles avaient osé être... Leurs vies, minuscules ou exceptionnelles, leurs gestes, anodins ou héroïques - dans l'ordinaire du quotidien comme dans les jours sombres -, loués ou condamnés, s'inscrivent dans un temps des femmes. Leurs écrits, abondamment cités, le prouvent ; la riche iconographie de l'ouvrage le confirme : la passivité ne leur convient guère. Révolutions et guerres les divisent - sans-culottes ou Vendéennes, communardes ou Versaillaises, résistantes ou collaboratrices -, mais elles leur procurent de tragiques occasions pour tenter de s'émanciper. Ainsi va l'histoire féminine de la France d'hier : effervescente, plurielle, sans cesse mobile. Notre présent en est l'héritier."

Where Women Are : Gender & The 2017 Kenyan Elections
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 2957305852 9966028811 Year: 2020 Publisher: Nairobi : Africae,

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While the drama of the complicated 2017 General election in Kenya unfolded and the clash between the patriarchs dominated the headlines, women were once again relegated to a secondary position in the public conversation. ‘Flower girls’. ‘Someone’s Wife’. These are some of the terms used to describe Kenyan women in politics - as simply accompanying and supporting men rather than having complex identities and public lives of their own. Yet Kenyan women were present and active, pushing against layers of structural and physical gendered violence to claim space in the political arena. This collection captures some of the stories and experiences of women participating in the heated 2017 general election in Kenya in order to shed light on the nuances and complexities facing women who choose to enter electoral politics. From stories of rural women using traditional social networks to access political power, to young urban women defying expectations and confronting an electorate that was conditioned to ignore them, these stories not only highlight the problems that women face but also the ingenious ways they navigate the spaces that do exist. Kenyan women are present and active in politics and this book works to see and understand where they are.

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